An Election Prayer Guide & Vigil

By Pastor Wangelin

“Who are you voting for?” Years ago, this question may not have put people in defense mode as much as it does today. In today’s charged political climate, that question almost sounds like you’re picking for a fight. Our nation is once again preparing for an election for a variety of public offices, most notably for a new president. Once again, it is proving to be a very divisive and tense process for our country. We are bombarded with news articles and negative attack adds with headlines touting “fear” “scared” “worried” “unhinged” “melt down” and other such hype words. People have anxiety and worry over the process and the result. How do we endure this and even participate in this election as Christians?

First and foremost, we are followers of Jesus. We believe that God is sovereign over the nations and in control of human history. Jesus is on the throne, and His plan of salvation will unfold. His kingdom is unshakable. We do not put our trust, faith, or hope in any country, political party, or politician. We keep our eyes on Jesus.

Secondly, we take our concerns to the Lord in prayer. The Bible invites us to bring any and all cares and concerns to the Lord, because He cares for us. God wants us to tell Him all about it. The Bible also says to pray “for all those in authority.” We are to keep our government, our leaders, and this election process in our prayers.

Finally, we are to love our neighbor in all things. This means participating in our government, and thinking through policies and laws that would best serve our fellow citizens. Christians are to honor the government and be respectful of those in positions of authority (Fourth Commandment). We are to participate in government, vote, even run for office if we feel so called, because God has designed governments for our good. We want to pursue what is good and beneficial to our country and our communities. We may genuinely disagree about how best to care for our citizens, for the middle class, the poor, the immigrants, employees and employers, and the unborn, but as Christians we want to do our best to pursue those things that bring help, protection, life, and liberty.

It is not easy in a broken, fallen world. Every leader and politician is a sinful human being, and no government is perfect or free from corruption. That is why our government can never save us. Only in Jesus, only in the fellowship of the Christian Church, only in the hope of eternal life in Christ do we find our true identity, purpose, and hope. This election is important, but it is not as important as the Gospel, or salvation, or the Kingdom of God. We are about bigger things – eternal things.

For all those concerned or anxious about this election, we have an Election Prayer Guide that people can use in their personal prayer time. We also invite our community to an Election Prayer Vigil on Sunday, November 3, at 4 p.m. This time of prayer, Scripture, and song, will be based on the Election Prayer Guide, and allow us to spend time in the Lord’s house, together, in prayer.

With eyes on Jesus, we have Good News for our world, no matter the outcome of this election. The Good News is that we have a Savior in Jesus Christ, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and that we can experience the eternal peace, love, and joy that was have in Christ. We get to share this Good News and the love of God with our neighbor and everyone God places in our path. This is our mission.

If you come across someone anxious or nervous about the election, please share with them the Election Prayer Guide or invite them to the Election Prayer Vigil. We know where to go with our concerns. We take them to the One who rules over the nations, and who holds the whole world in His hands. He is the one who loved the world so much, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.