This page contains ministry opportunities at Our Savior Lutheran Church and School in 2023 as we continue to gather in new ways around the Word of God. May the Lord guide each of us to a greater faith and trust in Him as we learn, live and share Christ together.

We invite you to:
- Worship Faithfully
“Honor the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy” – We honor the Lord and His Word through weekly worship with the body of Christ. Worship in person or online Sunday mornings at 8:30 (traditional) or 10:30 (contemporary). Monday night worship will resume at 7 p.m. on June 21 in-person only, with communion every week throughout the summer.
- Study the Word
“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples…” – We grow closer to Christ by spending time in the Word of God. Choose a Bible reading plan to help with regular Bible reading, and join a Bible study online or in person. Past Bible Studies can be viewed on our YouTube Channel. Find Bible resources under Faith Resources on our website.
- Be in a Small Group – or Smaller Group
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” – We “disciple” each other as we discuss and encourage each other in applying God’s word to our lives. Small Groups continue to meet, and you can also join a smaller group – a huddle (4-6 people) or a triad (3 people) for a six week discussion of discipleship. Small Groups (and smaller groups) help us build relationships, encourage each other, and care for one another as the body of Christ.
Bible Reading Plan – The Bible in a Year
This year our congregation is reading through the Bible in a year. You can start anytime with the reading plan in the church lobby or on our website. You can also chose a custom reading plan from the YouVersion Bible app, such as the Reformation Bible Reading Plan.
Sermon Study Guides
Each week, the pastors at OSL write a discussion guide based on the sermon text that can be used as an individual or small group reflection. This is posted online each week under “Faith Resources”. Hard copies are available upon request from the church office 517.882.8665.
Small Group Ministry
The best way to experience Christian community is in a small group. Encouragement, prayer, care, and growth happen when Christians regularly get together to talk about our faith. To join a small group, contact Dave Wright at
High School Youth Group
High School Youth are invited to bring a friend to Youth Group on Thursday nights, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Meet in the church lobby. Contact Youth Director Kaitlynn Mews at
Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday mornings at 10:30am or Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm (or your regular small group time) to study the book of Hebrews for 9 weeks. Study Guides with daily readings are available for $10 in the church lobby or at
Friday Morning Men’s Breakfast
The men’s breakfast group meets at 6:30 a.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Fridays of the month at Spuds on Waverly. Come by for a great way to start your morning with reflection on a Bible chapter and prayer.
Milestone Ministries – equipping families for faith training at important moments. See the Milestone page for more information.
Resources for Small Groups and Smaller Groups
Small Groups – Contact Dave Wright if you would like to lead or join a small group (8-12 people that meet regularly for Bible Study, prayer, and encouragement).
Huddles – gather a smaller group of 4-6 people to meet at a home, public place, or online, to discuss the Discipleship Questions for six weeks at a time, as we disciple each other in faith and life.
Triads – find two others of the same gender for an even smaller group to meet at a home, public place, or online, to discuss the Discipleship Questions for six weeks at a time, mentor each other, and build each other up.
Sermon Discussion Guide – this resource is produced weekly, and provides questions on the sermon topic for each Sunday. This can be used by couples, families, and especially small groups. This will be posted weekly on our website.
Discipleship Questions – this six week resource will provide discussion questions on Christian living topics that help us disciple, encourage, and challenge each other in our walk with Christ. This is posted on our website.