During both good times and bad, there will always be those who are suffering. Jesus, himself, tells us in John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Our Savior Lutheran Church and School wants to come beside families who are in need. Sometimes the best way to find help is through professional organizations within our community that specialize in meeting specific needs. Below is a list of places to call if the weight of your burden is unbearable.
Please know that we also have people willing to pray with you. We have Stephen ministers who can meet with you, and our pastor and family life director are always willing to help in any way possible. Contact the church office: 517-882-8665
Lansing Area Mental Health Resources
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
- Community Mental Health – Clinton, Eaton, Ingham 24/7 Crisis line: 517-346-8460
- The Listening Ear (depression, suicide, loneliness, grief): 517-337-1717
Child Resources
- Children Emergency Services: 517-346-8008
- Michigan Association for Children’s Mental Health: 517-372-4016
- Capital Area Community Services: 517-393-7077
- Advent House Ministries: 517-485-4722
- Eaton County assistance programs can also be found at:
Victims of Assault or Domestic Violence
- End violent Encounters: 517-372-5572
- Hannah’s House
- Shared Pregnancy
- Word of Hope: 888-217-8679