Lenten Midweek Fellowship Meals
Join us each Wednesday during Lent for fellowship and yummy food before going to the Midweek Lenten Worship service at 7pm. Dinner will be available in the commons from 5:30 to 6:45pm. A free will donation will be taken to cover the cost of the meals. March 19: Taco Bar; March 26: Open Faced Hot Turkey Sandwiches; April 2: Spaghetti & Meatballs; April 9: Chili Cook-Off.
EGGciting news!
It’s time to get planning for OSL’s annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 19th. We are looking for lots of volunteers to bring it all together as well as donations of plastic Easter eggs and individually wrapped candy. More information can be found in the church lobby at the Easter Egg Hunt sign up table or email Paula Manning at millep31@hotmail.com.
Join the Paper Recycling Challenge and help OSL Win Big!
PaperGator is excited to announce our first-ever Paper Recycling Contest in celebration of Earth Day! Starting this January, OSL will have the chance to earn exciting rewards by increasing our paper recycling volume. The locations that show the greatest improvement will be rewarded with fantastic prizes. Plus, we will earn double the usual payouts during the contest period. The PaperGator is located in the north west corner of the main parking lot and accepts: School/Office Paper, News Paper, Junk Mail, Hard & Soft Cover Books, Magazines, Shredded Paper, Paperboard (Cereal Type Boxes), *Cardboard (12″ x 12″ or smaller), Wrapping Paper (no foil or sparkles).