Onyx is in the Bible!

By Pastor Wangelin <><

How many are your works, O Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures…” Psalm 104:24

Onyx is the name of our ministry dog at Our Savior Lutheran. God created certain animals to have a special effect on human beings, and dogs can bring comfort, joy, calm, and companionship to children and adults alike. When they see Onyx, children and adults smile, laugh, are comforted, and become more gentle and compassionate. These animals can bring out the best in us. We are so blessed to have Onyx as a part of the ministry team and student support services at OSL.

Onyx is a Gemstone

The name Onyx comes from the gemstone. Like diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones, onyx can be cut, polished, and set into jewelry, artwork, and other valuable items. Onyx has been found in the treasures of ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. It was among the valuable stones in the treasures of the Middle Ages. Previous stones, when cut and polished, reflect the light and appear shiny and beautiful.

Onyx is in the Old Testament

You won’t find Onyx the ministry dog in the Bible, but you will find onyx the gemstone. While mentioned in several passages of Scripture, a significant place is in the book of Exodus and the building of the Tabernacle at the base of Mt. Sinai. Onyx was featured in the garments of the high priest. In Exodus 28:9 we read, “You shall take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel.” These two onyx stones were set in gold filigree and acted like shoulder pads on the special vest of the high priest. Onyx appeared again in the ephod, or the gold chest plate that the high priest wore with twelve precious stones set in the front. The twelve stones represented the twelve tribes of Israel. Onyx was one of the stones mounted into the ephod. These priestly vestments and the use of onyx remind us how beautiful God is and how special it is to worship Him.

Onyx in the New Testament

At the end of the book of Revelation, we read of the new heavens and the new earth. When Jesus comes again, He will make all things new. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the old order of things will have passed away. In Revelation chapter 21, we read about the heavenly Jerusalem coming down from heaven, the home of righteousness. This heavenly city is described as having streets of gold, gates made of pearl, and foundations decorated with twelve kinds of precious stones. The twelve foundations had on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. The previous stones on the foundation included jasper, sapphire, emerald, etc. One of them is onyx (in some translations it is sardonyx, a type of red onyx). The precious stones of the heavenly Jerusalem signify how beautiful and wonderful heaven will be in the loving presence of our Savior.

A Work in Progress

Raw onyx looks like a plain, simple rock. It looks like nothing special. It is rough and unattractive. But the 

qualities are in there. An artisan knows how to bring out the best of this stone through a process of cutting, tumbling, polishing, and even etching and engraving. The result is beautiful and stunning. It shines and sparkles with reflective light. It is revealed as the valuable treasure it is.

We may feel sometimes like we are the raw onyx, nothing special, plain, rough around the edges, and worthless. But we are a treasure to God! God knows what we can be. He sees the potential and treasures us already in Christ. As a divine craftsman, God works on us in the process of sanctification, chipping away the rough edges, polishing, placing us in a setting, and creating something beautiful to reflect His light and glory. It may be a painful process at times. But God is careful and able to work good in all things, with the end result in mind.

In 1 John 3:2 it says, “Beloved we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.”

God treasures us now as beloved children, but He is still working in our hearts and lives. We are a work in progress. Only when Jesus comes again, in the heavenly Jerusalem, will we see the finished product of what God is making us to be. We will shine like stars in the sky, like precious gems. We will be like Jesus, and reflect the radiant glory of God.

The name onyx reminds us of how beautiful it is to worship God, and that heaven is our home. We are a work in progress, as the Lord does His good work in our lives to bring out the best in us to His glory.

Additional instances of onyx mentioned in Scripture include Genesis 2:12, Exodus 25:7, Exodus 35:27, Exodus 39:6,13, I Chronicles 29:2, Job 28:16, and Ezekiel 28:13.