Outreach Ministries
We have a variety of programs to help you Learn, Live, and Share Christ. Where is God calling you to take the next step your walk with Him? Check out the following outreach ministries to find a right fit for you.
Caring for Others
11 For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. ~ 1 John 3:11 Our Savior offers many ways in which we support one another as well as those in the community.

Meals Ministry: As an expression of Christian love, individuals and families prepare and deliver meals to members of our church family who have experienced the birth of a child, undergone surgery, or lost a loved one. To sign up as a Meals Ministry Volunteer, contact Tina Ferris.
Thanksgiving Baskets: Each year OSL supports families in need at Thanksgiving. Our goal is to provide at least 200 families with Thanksgiving Dinner which includes frozen turkeys, milk, fresh rolls, margarine, boxed mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing mix, cans of green beans and corn, Jell-O, cake mix, and frosting. We partner with Blessings in a Backpack to reach those families in the Grand Ledge and Waverly school districts and also accept names of anyone you know who could use a meal. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.
School Backpack Drive: Each summer, we provide backpacks and school supplies for children in the community through our Food Bank. For about $15, we can provide a filled backpack to a needy student. Items are collected from the beginning of July through mid-August each year. For more information, please contact the church office.

Reaching Out
Our Savior sponsors several free events throughout the year that welcome the families to enjoy time with others at our Living Nativity, Easter Egg Hunt and Freedom Festival. Look for more information on these and other events on our home page or contact the church office.