- Jul 24, 2016When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!
Jul 24, 2016When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!Series: Walking With JesusAs we go throughout our lives we have choices. Our lives are full of choices. Some are really tough to make and others we make without thinking. No matter which way we go, when we have faith, a relationship with God, He will bless whatever choice we make.
- Jul 10, 2016Off the Deep End
Jul 10, 2016Off the Deep EndSeries: Walking With JesusA step of faith. We all enjoy that control in our lives, or at least the feeling of control. In our relationship and walk with God, we give up that feeling and let God lead. It makes it all the more tough to test the waters, but just trust and jump right in, off the deep end.
- Jul 3, 2016The Jesus Open
Jul 3, 2016The Jesus OpenSeries: Walking With JesusIn sports, major tournaments like the US Open, are open to all levels. But…only the best can actually come. In our walk of faith, everyone is welcome no matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’ve come from. You are welcome at The Jesus Open.
- May 29, 2016R-E-S-P-E-C-T
May 29, 2016R-E-S-P-E-C-TThe Centurion was a man in charge of many others. He could tell a man to move and he would move. Even a man of such power acknowledged the power of God. The centurion had great respect and fear of Jesus, the true Gospel.
- May 8, 2016A Joyful Departure
May 8, 2016A Joyful DepartureThe past few times that Jesus left His disciples, they were lost and confused, scared and worried. But this time, as Jesus rose into the heavens, they were filled with great joy. As we go out into the world, we can depart in the peace and joy of Jesus, knowing we are going with God’s blessing.
- Apr 24, 2016Life in the Name of Jesus
Apr 24, 2016Life in the Name of JesusSeries: Gospel of JohnThe Old Testament and New Testament have so much to teach us. Laws to live by, lessons to learn, stories to ponder, miracles to be in awe of. John tells us in these verses that all of the Bible was written so that we may believe that Jesus is the Son of God AND that we may have life in Him name.
- Apr 10, 2016Irrational Obedience
Apr 10, 2016Irrational ObedienceSeries: Gospel of John
The disciples are out in their boat, doing what they do for their profession. A man who they don’t even know tells them to cast their nets on the other side of their boat. They are the professionals, yet they obey what the man is telling them and great things happen. That man is Jesus. Jesus revealed Himself to them through this miracle of the great catch of fish. How is Jesus revealing Himself to you?
- Mar 25, 2016A Sacrifice, Fit for a King
Mar 25, 2016A Sacrifice, Fit for a KingWe sacrifice things on a regular basis; our money, our time, our energy. Those are daily sacrifices we make in order to get things done. Jesus went beyond that and gave His life for us all. Jesus’ sacrifice was a sacrifice truly fit for a king..
- Mar 20, 2016A King and a Colt
Mar 20, 2016A King and a ColtSeries: Gospel of John
A king shows his strength by wearing nice clothes, living in a wealthy household, and riding a strong horse. Jesus is not your average king. He wears normal clothes, lives in a normal house, and when he rides into a city, He is no king on a horse, He is a King on a colt.
- Mar 13, 2016Jesus Wept
Mar 13, 2016Jesus WeptSeries: Gospel of John
A dear friend of Jesus, Lazarus, is dying. Jesus comes four days after His death and shows His human side as He weeps for His friends death.
- Jul 24, 2016When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!
- Jul 10, 2016Off the Deep End
- Jul 3, 2016The Jesus Open
- May 29, 2016R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- May 8, 2016A Joyful Departure
- Apr 24, 2016Life in the Name of Jesus
- Apr 10, 2016Irrational Obedience
- Mar 25, 2016A Sacrifice, Fit for a King
- Mar 20, 2016A King and a Colt
- Mar 13, 2016Jesus Wept