Jun 9, 2019
Declaring the Wonders of God
Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples to boldly proclaim the wonders of God and the salvation He gives us through faith in Jesus Christ. This is truly a message for all nations!
- Jun 9, 2019Declaring the Wonders of God
Jun 9, 2019Declaring the Wonders of GodPentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples to boldly proclaim the wonders of God and the salvation He gives us through faith in Jesus Christ. This is truly a message for all nations!
- Jun 2, 2019Our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Ends of the Earth
Jun 2, 2019Our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Ends of the EarthJesus gave his disciples a commission to share the Gospel with all nations, starting with the people nearest to them, and working out to the ends of the earth. We can follow that same pattern as we share the Good News.
- May 19, 2019The New Jerusalem
May 19, 2019The New JerusalemIn Revelation 21, God gave John a glimpse of our heavenly home – the new heaves and the new earth where God will make everything new. There will be no more death, or mourning, for the old order will have passed away. We pray, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
- May 12, 2019Our Good Shepherd Calls Us
May 12, 2019Our Good Shepherd Calls UsJesus is the Good Shepherd who calls us by name. His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. Our Good Shepherd protects us and provides for us, and no one can snatch us out of His hand.
- Apr 21, 2019Christ is Risen – For You!
Apr 21, 2019Christ is Risen – For You!Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is the most significant event in human history. The Good News of Easter is a life-changing, world-changing message of hope that we desperately need. Jesus is alive and reason we celebrate!
- Apr 19, 2019A Truly Good Friday
Apr 19, 2019A Truly Good FridayOn the darkest day in history, it looked as though sin and death had won. But God was doing His very best work of forgiveness, grace, and sacrificial love. We call it “Good” Friday because Jesus gave His very life for us so that we might be forgiven and made right with God - now and for eternity.
- Apr 14, 2019The Arrival of the King
Apr 14, 2019The Arrival of the KingWhen Jesus rode into Jerusalem for the last time, it was to cheers of crowds hailing Him as the King of Israel, who had come to save the people. We join their praises and rejoice in the King, but with an understanding of this King’s true mission to be our Savior.
- Mar 24, 2019Startling Headlines Lead to Theodicy
Mar 24, 2019Startling Headlines Lead to TheodicyWhen bad things happen, we sometimes want to know the mind of God, or we come to our own conclusions. Jesus gives us one response to tragedies and bad news – repentance.
- Mar 20, 2019Prayers of the Passion: Prayers of Healing
Mar 20, 2019Prayers of the Passion: Prayers of HealingJesus healed the servant’s ear in the Garden of Gethsemane. In our service of healing, we pray for God’s healing presence in our lives.
- Mar 17, 2019Recognize
Mar 17, 2019RecognizePaul instructs believers to recognize what is happening in the Lord’s Supper, who is present, and what we are receiving, so that we can receive the full benefits of this holy gift.